An Ode to Christ's Healing Hurt
Hurt among God’s people is a very deep realty in this broken world. Many of us have deep agonizing wounds caused by others or ourselves have wounded. But, O, how beautiful is the gospel that brings peace and restoration through the Spirit of Christ. Jesus sets us free from our hurts and brings us peace-encompassing forgiveness. While the scars of our wounds remain as the wounds on Jesus remained, we have been freed from our rebellion and the hurt that keeps us in the bondage of rebellion and destruction— no longer a slave to our destructive bondage but bound to the goodness of Christ. May Christ’s compassion and mercy lead the way in our actions and attitudes. For the sweet aroma of his processional has already gone before us victoriously, defeating the stings of death. O may Christ’s compassion lead the way and ever be present as we live under his rule in this cruel world, anticipating the consummation of his new creation.